RESearch Areas
Cyber Security
Mobile Security
Quantum Research
AI in Security
Android SEcurity workshop
Hands on workshop during the 20th International Conference on Information Systems Security.
ACtive GRAnts
NRF National Cyber Security R&D Grant 2019:
SLADE : Smart Learning Analysis for Digital crimE, partnered with Custodia Pte Ltd.
NRF Singapore Cyber Security Consortium Seed Grant 2020:
Application Security Assessment Protocol (ASAP), partnered with Paypal
MOE SIT Ignition Grant 2019:
An Intelligent Vulnerability Analysis, Detection And Resistance Framework For Drones (VADeR), partnered with MHA
MOE Translational R&D and Innovation Fund (TIF) 2020:
A Cross-Platform, Smart Drone Control Framework (SDC)
MOE SIT Ignition Grant 2019:
Designing with Holograms: Mixed Reality for Design and FEA Analysis
SIT Applied Research Seed Grant 2019 (FinTech):
P2P and Crowdfunding: Credit score, probability of default models and Machine Learning , partnered with Crowdo
SIT Applied Research Seed Grant 2020:
Blockchain-based Timestamping for Proof of Existence of Artifacts